Thursday, November 27, 2008

Help LivingHalal & Earn the Rewards of Qurbani

Please click here to subscribe

LivingHalal tries to spread Islam through day-to-day stories.

So, both Muslims and non-Muslims can see that Halal lifestyle is fun and rewarding.

We produce Halal lifestyle stories, interviews, and educational videos (such as Arabic supplications with word by word meanings).

Here are some samples.

Halal Fun Activities


Practicing Islam in the West

Hajj Stories

Supplications with Word by Word Meanings

Correcting Our Mistakes

Help us by subscribing to our mailing list and YouTube channel.

So, spread the message and share the rewards, inshaAllah.

May Allah reward you with a halal life

Jazakum Allahu khaira

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Halal Opportunities in the Riba-Fueled Economic Crisis

You are invited to attend this timely event - via the web
or by calling in - on Sunday Nov 16th, 1-2pm (PST).

Halal Opportunities in the Riba-Fueled Economic Crisis

Click on the link to find your local time,
and PLEASE answer a short, two-question survey:

The talk will, in-sha-Allah, cover:

* Fundamentals of wealth in Islam.
* Lessons learned from the current financial crisis.
* Opportunities in this life and in the hereafter.

The talk relies on alternative wisdom, being based on a
khutbah that has received EXCELLENT reviews, alhamdulillah.

It is designed to be unconventional, in order to help you
ask the RIGHT questions, inshaAllah.

May Allah bless you with tons of halal Rizq/provision.

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

How to Change your life? A LivingHalal Formula

EVENT: How to change your life: A LivingHalal formula
DATE & TIME: Sunday, November 9th at 3:30pm Pacific
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)

Find out your local time here:


NOTE: If the link above does not work for you use the classic version...
