Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. Al-Ra'ad 13:11
Here is episode #1 (remix): Harsh Treatments
Please don't give people this Eid gift!
فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِّنَ اللّهِ لِنتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لاَنفَضُّواْ مِنْ حَوْلِكَ سورة آل عمران 159
So by mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you. Aal-Emran 3:159
Tags: livinghalal ummah muslim islam, being harsh correcting advice reminder films audio video Cleaning up, eid gifts, bad customs, calm, nice, courtesy
Alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed us with the best lifestyle. Since it's the best, it comes with a price. So, sometimes it's challenging to practice Halal lifestyle at work, whether it's making sure your job related activities are Halal or simply practicing your duties towards Allah at work (Salah, Hijab, beard, Jumaah/Eid, etc.) But, in-sha-Allah, as you strive to live Halal, Allah will make it easy and Allah is the provider.
So here is a new Web site that serves seekers of Halal work. Check it out
I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. (56) I seek no livelihood from them, nor do I ask that they should feed Me. (57) Lo! Allah! He it is that giveth livelihood, the Lord of unbreakable might. (58) [Adh-Dhariyat Chapter 51]
The Prophet (SAW) used to say in the Rukoa, "Glory to my lord the supreme." -authentic in Al-Nissaee
Supplication After Rising From Rukoa/Bowing
samiʿa L-LĀHU li-man ḥamida-H, RABBA-nā wa la-KA l-Ḥamd.
سمع الله لمن حمده ربنا ولك الحمد
The Prophet (SAW) used to say after rising from Rukoa, "Allah has listened (heard/answered) to the one who praised him. Our lord, all praises due to you." -authentic Al-Tirmithi
Supplication of Sujood/Prostration
sub āna RABBīya L-A LĀ.
سبحان ربي الأعلى
The Prophet (SAW) used to say in the Sujood, "Glory to my lord the most high." -authentic in Al-Nissaee
Supplication of Rukoa and Sujood (Extended)
subhana dhi l-Jabarut, wa l-Malakut, wa l-Kibriya’, wa l-a'dhaamah.
سبحان ذي الجبروت والملكوت والكبرياء و العظمة
The Prophet (SAW) used to say in his Rukoa & Sujood, "Glory to the one who has all power, kingdom, magnificence and supremity." -authentic Abi Dawud
Supplication of Rukoa and Sujood (Extended)
SUBBŪ , QUDDŪS, RABBU l-Malā’ikati wa r-Ruh
سبوح قدوس رب الملائكة والروح
The Prophet (SAW) used to say in his Rukoa & Sujood, "The perfect, the pure, lord of the angels and the spirit." -authentic Abi Dawud
Supplication After Rising From Rukoa/Bowing (Extended)
mil’a s-Samawāti, wa mil’a l-Ar i, wa mil’a mā shi’TA min shai’in ba d.
ملء السموات وملء الأرض وملء ما شئت من شئ بعد
The Prophet (SAW) used to say after rising from Rukoa, "All praise due to our lord, as much as the filling of the heavens, the filling of the earth, and the filling of whatever else you wished." -authentic Abi Dawud
Keywords: audio, Namaz, supplication dua, mp3, wav, video, teaching, authentic dua, prayer of the prophet Muhammad (peace and prayer be upon him), livinghalal, salah, taraweeh, qiyam, ramzan, ramadhan, ramdan, thikr, zikr, rememberance of Allah, salat, صلاة أذكار الصلاة دعاء دعوات مصلى مسجد 禮拜 Salat
I was planning to post this 10 days ago (Q1: so why didn’t you do so?) And to be honest, I was going to skip today also (Q2: so what made you post it then?).
The ironic thing is that the content that I’m posting now is not what I had in my mind (Q3: so what was in your mind?). Worst, I don’t even know what was in my mind (Q4: how come?).
You see? The story of my posting is just like the story of most of us with Ramadan. We know it’s a rewarding month, and we know that we should do something about it. But we slack because we take Ramadan for granted; and we procrastinate because we are passively waiting for a perfect moment to start a perfect Ramadan. And if someone asks us, “What are you waiting for?” we really don’t know, except that today is not a perfect day.
But, what if today IS the last day?
Answers for the questions I posted above: A1: No accountability, gain nothing for posting, lose nothing for not posting. A2: I set a deadline and announced it to my readers. A3: I don’t know but something “perfect” that worth the wait for (i.e. to procrastinate). A4: I had no clue what to post. I lacked clarity.
Now, on a blank sheet of paper, list 20 ways to make this Ramadan your best Ramadan ever, as you reach half of the list, you may feel that you have nothing more to write, just think harder and more creatively. Write your list using the personal ”I” pronoun followed by a positive present tense verb, e.g. instead of, “Not over eating at Iftar,” write, “I eat Iftar moderately using my small plate.”
After you listed 20 ways to make this Ramadan your best, choose two of them that can make the most impact if you achieved them. On a seperate sheet of paper, write what's the purpose for achieving these two outcomes, and list the steps that you will take to achieve them and by when.
After you achived the two outcomes you picked (or you started working toward them, if any of them are month-long outcomes), pick another two or three and repeat the process.
Make dua as you go, may Allah grant you the most amazing Ramadan ever.
The sequence done in the Sunnah: 1- you make free form dua all day before Maghrib (optional) 2- you break your fast at Maghrib time (required) 3- you say this supplication right after eating/drinking something (recommended) 4- you make free form dua (optional) 5- you continue with your meal (optional)
The common mistake is to hault breaking the fast by making free form dua, or by saying this specific supplication before breaking your fast.
The sequence done in the Sunnah: 1- you make free form dua all day before Maghrib (optional) 2- you break your fast at Maghrib time (required) 3- you say this supplication right after eating/drinking something (recommended) 4- you make free form dua (optional) 5- you continue with your meal (optional)
The common mistake is to hault breaking the fast by making free form dua, or by saying this specific supplication before breaking your fast.
This supplication is the authentic narration, there are other popular narrations but they are weak.
And Allah knows best.
The Supplication of Thanking Your Host
The Supplication After Witr
We have a PDF file for these supplications (with tashkeel), you can email livinghalal at gmail com to request the file.